During the wild summer before college started for the omnipotent teenager Hannah Deangelo, she got away with enjoying her powers on a daily basis with her best friend Sabrina Rodriguez. Abusing her infinite power to get away with quite literally anything, Hannah finds a random luxury apartment in Los Angeles to visit and clean as both a fairy and a stereotypical maid. Of course, Sabrina was on hand to take some photos of Hannah in her getup, but how long can Hannah pose before she wants something more?
Features: Flying, Inganibility, Telekinesis, Super Strength, Lesbian Sex
Length: 41 Photos
Status: You have VIP Access! You can view this Exhibition online for free!
All characters depicted in this story who witness or engage in sexual activity are of eighteen years of age or older. While some episodes may contain violence, they are void of any kind of sexual abuse, unwanted sex, or rape. This is a work of pure fiction and not based on any person living or dead.