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Buy some Days and enjoy VIP Status without (many) paywalls! Days are super cheap and a great way to get started!

You have 0 Tokens
You have 25 Days

Sorry this is so confusing at this time.
I have recently quit Patreon and am trying to create my own subscription system.
For now, please Buy Tokens if you are looking for VIP, then come back here.
I hope to make this much simpler as soon as I have the time.

Convert 500 Tokens = 25 Days
Convert 1000 Tokens = 60 Days
Convert 2000 Tokens = 125 Coins

What is VIP Status?
VIP Status is freedom. You are free to read any story, exhibition, comic, or bio without having to pay anything else. Read everything! Go crazy. Explore. Don't feel held back by paywalls. Please keep in mind that it will still cost you Tokens to Download stories. VIP does not include downloads or Artificial Realism galleries.
What are Days?
Days are simply how many Days you have VIP Status. You do not lose Days if you do not visit the site. If you decide to skip a week and come back later to see what is new, that's fine! You won't lose anything. Visit only when you want.
What if I just want to see if you updated? Will I lose Days?
As if right now, yes, but I understand that's totally lame. I am working on a page that you will be able to bookmark that won't cost you Days, and you can still if there are new releases. Give me time to get that set up.
What do I get with VIP Status?
A bunch of cool stuff. Here's what you will get each Day you visit, as well as access to special pages during your visit others cannot access.

Full Read AccessYou can read anything on the website, including comics. Does not include downloads.
Coins/DayYou earn more Coins per day than the average visitor. You must visit the site to have the Coins added to your account.
Free Art/DayYou earn free artwork each day you visit! It can be Masterworks, Banners, Seasonal Cards, Curves, or Behind The Scenes. Does not include Artifical Realism or Saga Cards.
Series TimelineYou can view the entire chronlogical order of the entire saga. Includes synopses for each story and significant date.
Video Gallery .mp4sYou can view a full gallery of all the Video Clips/Montages on this site as mp4s!
Artwork DiscountSpend less Coins to unlock Artwork: Masterworks, Banners, Seasonal Cards, Curves, or Behind The Scenes
Suggestion BoxYou can place suggestions in the Suggestion Box. Average users cannot suggest stories or ideas.
Bio SpoilersYou can unlock entire Bios with a click of a button and read a characters full 'Saga' (released stories only). This does not include viewing their unlockable artwork.
Pre-Order AccessYou can read Pre-Order stories without having to actually pre-order them. No downloads.
Full Bio AccessAll Bios are automatically unlocked. Some bios might contain spoilers, so watch out!