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Young, often quiet, and also often teased Tiffany Martin is being forced to go to a Halloween party she does not want to go to by a girl who always makes fun of her weight. Yet as Tiffany sits in the backseat of the car with her oblivious roommate Megan on their way to a party she already knows she will not enjoy, the college girl quickly remembers she is now the God of Fate and has a vast array of magical powers at her disposal.

Not only does Tiffany have magical powers, but she has magical friends as well, and they have become aware of a very sketchy Halloween party that is trying to attract young girls from the safety of their colleges and out in the woods. Quickly meeting up with the other gods in this top secret pantheon, and fearing for her roommate's safety in a house full of overbearing men, Tiffany is quickly selected to play a crucial role in turning this party on its head, only she can't do it as 'herself'. Abusing her newly gifted powers, the unpopular and overweight college girl transforms herself into an ultra-hot alien babe who has come to this party out on the woods seemingly all by herself. Too hot to be believed, is this party full of creepy boys and grumpy college girls ready for what this 'alien' can do? Is she a real alien? What has brought her to Earth?

Tiffany is not only eager to impress her fellow gods with what she can do, but also rescue her roommate Megan from certain doom at a party full of sketchy, rude, and quite possibly abusive young men.
Features: Shapeshifting, Action, Teleportation, Super-strength, Straight Sex, Lesbian Sex, Group Sex
Length: 31,100 Words
All characters depicted in this story who witness or engage in sexual activity are of eighteen years of age or older. While some episodes may contain violence, they are void of any kind of sexual abuse, unwanted sex, or rape. This is a work of pure fiction and not based on any person living or dead.