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It's a lazy Sunday at supermodel Tiffany Rose's massive Los Angeles mansion, and she isn't really sure what to do with her day as she lounges in bed with her big, handsome, hunky boyfriend Luke. Being that Tiffany Rose is also omnipotent and the God of Fate, she could literally do anything with her free day, yet she wants to keep it interesting. Sex is obviously on the menu for the famous blonde hardly wears any clothes, and her boyfriend's cock is just a quick reach away, but that's just too easy. Leave it to Tiffany to come up with a silly game as she uses her magical powers to play a bit of Hide and Seek with her mortal boyfriend.

Forced to chase after his magical girlfriend, yet with no magical powers of his own, Luke knows he cannot win as Tiffany leaps right through solid walls like a ghost, teleports out of his grip, and even turns into random objects around her house to keep him guess. If Luke can manage to catch her, he can finally get the sex he knows is inevitable. Going mad with lust, Luke is constantly teased as Tiffany models in outfit after outfit each time he fails to find her, her sexual needs growing as well the more she uses her powers. How long can Tiffany resist? Can Luke finally catch this girl who can literally do anything she wants? This can't go on forever!
Features: Straight Sex, Lesbian Sex, Cloning, Intangibility, Teleporation, Body Morphing
Length: 19,550 Words
All characters depicted in this story who witness or engage in sexual activity are of eighteen years of age or older. While some episodes may contain violence, they are void of any kind of sexual abuse, unwanted sex, or rape. This is a work of pure fiction and not based on any person living or dead.