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Tiffany enjoys being the God of Fate and never feels too concerned with how she conducts the lives of the world, but when her own desires conflict with the fates of others, things can get quite tricky. Case in point: the supermodel who is secretly an omnipotent god is set to pose nude with another astonishingly beautiful babe: Jenny Carver. And while the world knows about Tiffany's romance with photographer Luke Robinson, they are oblivious to her many other sexual conquests, including the fact that she is very much interested in other women.

Longing to push her photoshot with Jenny to far more sexual places than Plaything Magazine would want them to go, will Tiffany's temptations twist the fate of her new friend Jenny, a simple girl who is not only totally straight, but a bit of a sexual prude despite her willingness to pose naked with another women? Being that Tiffany is the master of fate and allowed to steer people's lives, is it okay for her to toy with Jenny's sexuality a little? Or is that taking her godly status a bit too far? Free will is not to be tampered with, but Tiffany really really wants to have sex with Jenny.
Features: Lesbian Sex, Straight Sex, Body Morphing, Cloning, Telekinesis, Invisibility, Teleportation
Length: 62,200 Words
All characters depicted in this story who witness or engage in sexual activity are of eighteen years of age or older. While some episodes may contain violence, they are void of any kind of sexual abuse, unwanted sex, or rape. This is a work of pure fiction and not based on any person living or dead.
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