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Womanizer Armando made the score of the century when he brought home Jenny: an extremely busty, wildly sexual teenager who seemingly snuck into a night club and was looking for sex with the hottest guy she could find. Lucky to now find himself waking up next to a girl nearly ten years younger than himself, Armando has a plan to make Jenny a star by showing the world her impossibly perfect body. But is that what Jenny wants? How is this girl so gorgeous, so voluptuous, and yet so young and naive? Is she hiding a secret from Armando?

Unbeknownst to the handsome man, Jenny's real name is none other than Hannah Deangelo; the girl born with magical powers. Known all over the world, young Hannah was simply born with too many supernatural powers to count, powers, reserved for fantasy stories, comic books, and even holy texts. Fly? Walk through walls? Teleport? Read minds? Hannah can do so many things, and yet she can't seem to get away from her one-night-stand. Plus Armando has no idea this young girl is the famous Hannah for she is trying out a brand new body for the first time, and her new look seems to have brought her a lot of attention she wasn't ready to receive. Having gotten in over her head, all Hannah wants to do is go home, only she can't break her own rules on what she is allowed to do with her powers, but she still can't let Armando find out who she really is.
Features: Straight Sex, Intangibility, Flight, Lesbian Tones
Length: 23,700 Words
All characters depicted in this story who witness or engage in sexual activity are of eighteen years of age or older. While some episodes may contain violence, they are void of any kind of sexual abuse, unwanted sex, or rape. This is a work of pure fiction and not based on any person living or dead.