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"I believe I just heard Becky come home." "She can wait a little while. Come here."

Being a single mother can be hard. Never time to date or even just just out for a few drinks with my friends. But today things changed. There has been a strange wave of radiation hitting earth and its altering some people and even giving them super powers. Some are lame and only like able to sharpen a pencil with a click but others go well beyond that. I was one of the others. You see being a 40+ year old single mother with a son and daughter (twins )it had taken it out on me. They spend more time out these days as they are now 18. The wave hit me when I was in the bath and relaxing. It somehow also told me what it had given me as I was now able to shapeshift at will. Altering my bodys shape to my will. Well it didn't take me long to wipe off 20 years of my age to look like I did in my 20s. Then slowly upgrade myself with a tighter slimmer waist and larger fuller bokbs. Hmm wow I could just fuck myself.... wait. I can. I forgot to tell you. I can also split I to more than one body. I started off off just a second me straddled over me in the bath as I made out with myself but then another me to massage me then.. well as you can see I love all 6 of me and... fuck. The door. Sorry I need to go now.

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