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Got the writing bug? Are Hannah and her friends inspiring something different in you? Post your own captions based on images from around the site, and earn Coins for your work! All Captions are shared publicly and read by us, so don't post any personal informations. Please adhere to the rules below.
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"Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?", asked the beautiful young lady. "You are my dear. However, nobody will notice your beauty." answered the mirror. From that moment on the girl was inivisible. Only her clothes could be seen. Magic mirrors can be tricky.

"I know I wished that people would see me for my inner beauty, but this is a little ridiculous!. And I still don't get the point of making my tits so big." she says, playing with her new invisible assets in the mirror Unbeknownst to her, her husband stands just outside her door with a grin on his face and a tent in his pants. "I could have never guessed my fetish for invisible girls would ever be satisfied ... Genies are the best!!!"

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