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Flying high above her kingdom, Goddess-Queen Daisy gazed upon her world, untouched by the corruptive powers of mankind. While they had once been a part of her creation, they had long ago lost her their goddess favor as they manipulated the earth in unnatural ways for their own gains. Seeing all well, she was about to fly home to her castle of leaves and trees when she saw a human make enter her forest. Preparing to smite him into oblivion, she stops as she sees his pure heart and soul. Perhaps humanity still has a change for redemption she muses as she slowly prepares to unveil her divine body to her soon-to-be lover...

This was Daisy's favorite part of the day, since she was blessed by the Gods. No matter her escapades during the prior evening, her near endless stamina always ensured she was able to greet the day anew, the sun blessing and caressing her flawless body. Feeling energized by her solar lover, Daisy was ready to begin another day as the Protectoress of Her Forrest.

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