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"It's so beautiful, I might as well take it. After all, who needs the sun as long as I'm around?" Jeanne wasn't always the gorgeous and all-powerful goddess you see today, in fact she wasn't much different from YOU, the horny male reader! Originally she was Jean, a listless young man of around 19 who had nothing going for him in life nor was he going to in the future. That is, until Samantha had slipped up. Samantha was a reserved (read: repressed) young woman who was unfortunately a few cards short of a deck. She had awoken to omnipotence as a randomly selected successor to the previous supreme deity who had voluntarily ascended to the next realm. It hadn't taken long for her to make use of it either, nearly a week later there were few who hadn't known of or been affected by the new all powerful goddess doing whatever she pleased in broad daylight. Though as wild as she went with her newfound power when it came to remodeling herself, she had neglected to improve her own intellect and wisdom. So when she decided that she wanted to know what a male orgasm felt like, instead of giving herself a dick or using her power to experience it, she decided instead to swap bodies with the nearest man. And probably having used all the luck he could have ever had in his life at that moment, that man just so happened to be Jean. Jean of course, knew about Samantha like most others, and after the initial freak-out he soon realized that the girl had mistakenly left behind the almighty power in her original body. And the rest was history, Jeanne acclimated to her abilities in an instant and was able to undo all the affects Sam had on the world, as well as their memories, along with silently guaranteeing the new "Jean" a happy future as something between a thanks for the powers and a compensation for stealing them.

I love the warm tingles of these solar flares over my super body. To think that no one is able to see me floating at the very center of universe! I guess that I will create a telepathic link to all humankind to remind them about the power of their Goddess of Goddesses.

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