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Erica Milani may be a super-busty, world famous supermodel who jet-sets around the world to pose for the highest bidder, but this particular Erica Milani is not that woman. She may look like her in every way, but this Erica is merely a conjuring of Hannah Deangelo: a false being who was created out of thin air to be Hannah's personal lover and assistant. Equipped with her own godlike powers, Erica is free to do as she pleases, at least within the confines of Hannah's mansion.

Unable to leave the walls of this giant house, Erica is tasked with the job of decorating Hannah's mansion while she is away, the magical beauty able to conjuring up statues, paintings, and anything she wants with the same kind of powers Hannah used to create her. Yet now that the task is over and the mansion empty expect for the voluptuous woman, what is Erica to do with herself? She had tried nearly everything the house has to offer and is running out of ideas? Bored and alone, it is only a matter of time before the women in the paintings, the statues in the hall, and even the woman on the label of her beer bottle tempt her to bring them all to life. Maybe being trapped in the mansion isn't so bad after all.
Features: Creation, Intangibility, Lesbian Sex, Group Sex, Body Morphing
Length: 16,500 Words / 54 Pages
Cost: 200 Tokens
Bonuses: No bonuses at this time.
Status: You have VIP Access! You can read this Chronicle online for free! You have not purchased this Chronicle and cannot download it.
All characters depicted in this story who witness or engage in sexual activity are of eighteen years of age or older. While some episodes may contain violence, they are void of any kind of sexual abuse, unwanted sex, or rape. This is a work of pure fiction and not based on any person living or dead.
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Sexual Activity
Straight Sex
Lesbian Sex
Group Sex
Clone/Twin Sex
Self/Solo Sex
Magic Sex
Kinky Sex
Taboo Sex

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