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Tabitha has discovered that magic is real thanks to a sexy witch named Rebecca who showed the young girl more than just her magical powers. Sexually enhanced and set free by the magical witch, Tabitha now finds herself more beautiful than ever, the innocent, young girl oblivious to just how gorgeous she is as she tries her best to get used to walking around in her new legs.

But what happens when Tabitha wakes up one morning with all the magical powers of her sexy friend Rebecca? Suddenly able to do anything she pleases just by thinking it, the clumsy teenage babe discovers she can fly, read minds, walk through walls, and create anything she wants out of thin air. She can suddenly transform into anything she wants, make people do anything she wants them to do, and quite literally change any aspect of reality with her desires. But is that a good thing or a bad thing? The shy, nervous, often foolish young girl starts to realize she has almost no impulse control, and soon ever little thought that she comes up with in her mind becomes real. Can she get a grip on her powers, or is this how the world ends?
Features: Mind Control, Telekinesis, Intangibility, Straight Sex, Lesbian Sex, Body Morphing, Action
Length: ??? Words / 0 Pages
Cost: 150 Tokens
Bonuses: No bonuses at this time.
All characters depicted in this story who witness or engage in sexual activity are of eighteen years of age or older. While some episodes may contain violence, they are void of any kind of sexual abuse, unwanted sex, or rape. This is a work of pure fiction and not based on any person living or dead.
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Sexual Activity
Straight Sex
Lesbian Sex
Group Sex
Clone/Twin Sex
Self/Solo Sex
Magic Sex
Kinky Sex
Taboo Sex

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No spoilers offered at this time. To be added later.
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