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Nothing is taboo in the Queen's Chambers on Kyuka, and all the members of Hannah's Pantheon know it.

Despite the fact that Nika Yin, the Queen of Kyuka, is probably the least-sexual of all the gods, her bedroom on her planet has become the place where all of Hannah's gods throw their wildest and kinkiest of sexual parties. Hardly scheduled, and always stretching the limits of decency and what one might find objective, these extremely kinky orgies draw out the most sexually creative use of magical powers in the universe, and everyone wants in on the action.

After a very successful day on the job as the God of Judgment, Nika Yin finds her guard down and her inhibitions lost as she invites her fellow god Rebecca Larson into her bedroom, as well as her magical wife Scarlett who is no stranger to wild sex with her wife and her omnipotent friends. Feeling frisky, and worthy of a sex-party, Nika allows anyone in the universe who can find her to visit her bedroom and join in on the action, attracting many, if not all, of Hannah's gods. Gravity is ignored. Physics tossed aside. Genders swapped. Bodies exaggerated to extremes. It does not take long for Nika's giant bedroom to fill up with sex, nor does it take long for Nika to unleash her favorite 'secret weapon' when these wild orgies begin as she uses her magical powers to grow her very popular, very sneaky, 10-foot-long, prehensile cock.
This story includes an Update Scene for Hannah Deangelo.
Features: Lesbian Sex, Lesbian Orgy, Gender Bending, Cloning
Length: 35,000 Words / 112 Pages
Cost: 400 Tokens
Bonuses: No bonuses at this time.
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Warning. This story is considered 'Extra Kinky'. It contains sexual acts and gender bending scenarios which may not be perferred by all adult audiences.
All characters depicted in this story who witness or engage in sexual activity are of eighteen years of age or older. While some episodes may contain violence, they are void of any kind of sexual abuse, unwanted sex, or rape. This is a work of pure fiction and not based on any person living or dead.
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Sexual Activity
Straight Sex
Lesbian Sex
Group Sex
Clone/Twin Sex
Self/Solo Sex
Magic Sex
Kinky Sex
Taboo Sex

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“this is the wildest sex so far!”
- (Anonymous)
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