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**FIRST PLACE!** Sarah is one of the most beautiful girls at school. Her big breasts, her natural red hair and her kind character brings her a lot of attention from the boys. Although she finds the boys very sympathetic, she fell in love with one. That is because she is gay. Unfortunately most girls are only envious about Sarah and don't treat her nice. One day after cheerleader training the captain mobs Sarah, because of her huge breasts. Sarah starts crying and just wants to disappear. Instantly Sarah dissolves. Nobody noticed Sarah turning invisible, no one cared about her. Except for June and Leia. Both didn't support the mobbing of a team member. The two girls started looking for Sarah, they wanted to console her. Sarah was still invisible. An ability she didn't know, she possessed. Nor did she know where it came from. Sarah could not be seen, but she could see everything. Sarah saw June and Leia looking for her and was happy that at least someone was caring about her. Sarah wanted to thank those girls, she secretly admired. But how?- She was still invisible and didn't know how to turn back to normal. June and Leia ended their search for Sarah. They couldn't find her. Back in the locker room they continued changing. "I cannot understand why the others are so mean to Sarah. I really wished I had breast like her" said June. "Me too! I really would like to see you with breasts like her." Leia answered. "Shut up! Do you want to tell the whole school that you are my girlfriend?!" June shouted back. "Calm down, no one is here. Everyone left already." Then Leia kissed June. Indeed nobody heard them, except for Sarah. Sarah hided around the corner. Still invisible she watched the two girls starting lesbian sex. Sarah enjoyed the show. On this day she learned that she can turn invisible and that she loved voyeurism. Will Sarah just watch or will she engage? What other powers will she develop? Maybe sex with women is the key to more powers? We will see....

**SECOND PLACE!** It had been a wild morning for the former-mortal woman named Amanda. It wasn't every day that you wake up and find out that you have literally infinite power at your disposal, that you could re-write everything with a snap of your fingers... Or set out to have the “Best fucking time of my life!” as she so bluntly put it. Having only 24 hours before her powers would be gone, she said out begin her adventure immediately: Forging a body worthy of an all-powerful goddess. Her breast swelled and became firm, stretching her underwear to their limits until she made it so that they wouldn't break. Her most beloved feature, her hair, became a more pronounced crimson, nearly reaching all the way down to her delicious butt. Having given herself the body of her dreams, Amanda took of and did all the things she had ever dreamt of doing: She flew to the moon and created a whole civilization, she donned a super suit and were the world's greatest superhero for a time, she was on the cover on all the major magazines, and made her own little kingdom that she could rule over after her godly powers would dissipate. Nearing the time that she would become mortal again, Amanda realized one more dream left to do: She wanted to fuck Mia and Vicky so badly... Teleporting to the locker room they were in, Amanda gifted them supreme bodies (that still couldn't match her own) before giving them mental suggestions to try out kissing each other. The make-out session quickly turned into passionate foreplay and Amanda couldn't wait any longer. Jumping into the fray, all three girls were soon in the middle of the most erotic scene in all reality as they all reached their climax after hours of amazing sex...

**THIRD PLACE!** "Jenny i'm so tired of how Jack acts, always trying to sleep with other girls. It's not fair!" Alice said as she huffed throwing her pompoms off to the side. "I know, then there's alex, always wanting to try Anal, or always getting off before I'm even close it's so not fair. I wish someone could help us. I swear I'm so sick of boys. They just suck." It was then that they would soon felt and urge over each other looking into their eyes, a fire in their stomach as they moved in. They didn't know why but an attraction came over them. "Maybe we should try something different. maybe get something to eat. Maybe come over to my place. my parents aren't going to be home for a few nights." "God, I'd love to." Then without warning the two cheerleaders grabbed ahold of each other and kissed their luscious lips with lustful passion. "Hmm well I think my work here is done." the goddess said as she would begin dissolving. The world needed her more than ever, after all those poor lonely women needed a women's touch.

Both cheerleaders silently prayed to who ever would listen for a cure to their boy troubles. Hearing their pleas, The Goddess of Sapphic love pulled some strings and ended the girls problems with men forever.

The Gods often debated to what degree they should influence the world at large. Some made their presence known to the mortals, while some remained hidden. All, however, refrained from making overt gestures towards radical changes to the world. After all, humanity wouldn't be able to grow and mature as a species if the Gods just did everything for them. Still, some couldn't help but meddle. As a wise cartoon character once said, though, "When you do something right, people won't know whether you've done anything at all." The Goddess of Love has found subtle suggestions to be the best approach. Rather than cast love spells or lust curses on mortals, or otherwise forcibly change their minds to make them fuck as she pleases, she instead merely opens options. She'll twist causality just a bit to make it more likely for potential lovers to meet. She'll very gently soothe the nerves and misgivings of shy or underconfident people who just need that little extra boost to make their move. She'll adjust the libidoes of couples to make sure their sex drives synch up! And, just to be nice, she'll cure people of STDs and make sure their birth control is always working just to make sure there's no unexpected issues after random hook-ups. As a result, more people around the world are being freer and more successful with getting sex, having porn-star level erotic escapades, and the best orgasms of their lives! And of course, the more this occurs, the stronger the Goddess of Love becomes. But she's not that hung up on gaining more power; mostly, she's just an incorrigible pervert, who can't get enough of watching hot couples make amazing love!

Looking over her latest happy couple, Jasmine couldn't help but smile as they rubbed against each other, letting their tongues do the talking. Hiding behind some lockers, Jasmine could feel how their passions were empowering her to even greater heights. "Hmm, It's great to be a goddess with such mortals..."





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