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Unlike most other Patreon Pages, the Patreon Page for Omnipotence pays you back! We don't use Patreon just so you can give us a 'pat on the pack' and we reply with a 'thanks for your support', we turn your contributions into content! You get the best discounts on a variety of things around the site, including Tokens! Not only that, but all the money earned through Patreon doesn't go into paying rent: it goes to buying more 3D assets to create more content! Win-win all around!


$1 $2 $5/VIP $5 $10 $20 $25
Full Read AccessYou can read anything on the website, including comics. Does not include downloads.
    Yes       Yes
Episode Read AccessYou can read any Episode on the website. Does not include downloads.
  Yes Yes       Yes
Tokens/MonthYou earn more Tokens every pay period. This rate of Tokens/Dollar is better than if buying in basic payments.
200     600 1200 2500 2000
Coins/MonthYou get a bulk Coin Payment added to your account each month.
5000 5000 5000 5000 10000 20000 20000
Free Art/MonthYou earn free artwork each month you stay a Patron! It can be Cards, Vintage, Curves, Prints, of Behind The Scenes.
5 5 5 5 10 20 20
Coins/DayYou earn more Coins per day than the average visitor. You must visit the site to have the Coins added to your account.
200 200 500 500 750 1000 1000
Free Art/DayYou earn free artwork each day you visit! It can be Cards, Vintage, Curves, Prints, of Behind The Scenes.
    1 1 2 3 3
Series TimelineYou can view the entire chronlogical order of the entire saga. Includes synopses for each story and significant date.
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Full Banner GalleryYou can view the full gallery of all the Banners/Backgrounds on this site! Not available for any non-patrons.
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Video Gallery .mp4sYou can view a full gallery of all the Video Clips/Montages on this site as mp4s! Mp4s available for any non-patrons.
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Artwork DiscountSpend less Coins to unlock Artwork: Vintage Pin Ups, Cards, Curves, and Prints.
10% 10% 20% 20% 25% 50% 50%
Suggestion BoxYou can place suggestions in the Suggestion Box. Average users cannot suggest stories or ideas.
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Bio SpoilersYou can unlock entire Bios with a click of a button and read a characters full 'Saga' (released stories only). This does not include viewing their unlockable artwork.
    Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Pre-Order AccessYou can read Pre-Order stories without having to actually pre-order them. No downloads.
    Yes   Yes Yes Yes
Full Bio AccessAll Bios are automatically unlocked. Some bios might contain spoilers, so watch out!
    Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Bonus Feature AccessYou can view all Bonus Features for all stories you have marked as Read!
As a gift, if you end up spending $200 through Patreon, you will become Immortalized on our website.
You will gain
$5/VIP Access for life even if you quit being a patron. You become immortal!